Saturday, April 9, 2016

Thai Classical Dances

 Thai Classical Dance style is define by regions of Thailand. Therefore, there are a lot of the dance styles as below;

Northern part dances

Because of the cold weather and the slow way of life, the style of dancing in this region is in slow, sweet and tender rhyme. Moreover, this region dancing is also influenced from  hill tribes communities, Myanmar, Lao and China.

Most of the northern dancing shows arm,wrist and finger with long nails movement  while the dancer wearing dress reflect the culture influenced.

North-eastern part dances
 As the north-eastern part is the most dry region of the country, the style of dancing is designed to reflect how struggle people are and add more fun in the dancing rhyme.

The dancing style is in the quick movement with showing movement of hand,hip and legs. Some of dancing ,the dancer has to hold or play with  working equipments as a dancing accessory.

Southern part dances
This part influenced from Malaysia and most of the people in this region are active and quick moving ,therefore, this region's dance is in the quick rhyme.

The dancing style shows the quick movement of all the whole body especially a neck and arms. it also shows strength of legs too.

Central part dances
 As this region is the most plentifully part of the country, its dancing style is very rich and various. This region dancing style is mixed between many region together and develop a new one so there are both quick and slow dances. 

The dance show movement of arm , hand , leg and the whole body.